Letterhead | Envelopes | Business Card
USC stationery consists of approved designs for letterhead, envelopes and business cards. These designs reinforce the university’s brand and identity, and may only be ordered through a person in your unit delegated to process requisitions, typically, your Senior Business Officer. If you have any questions about the order process, please contact USC Procurement and Strategic Sourcing at purchasing@usc.edu.
All university employees are required to use the approved university stationery templates. USC does not allow changes or alterations to the design of the approved university stationery templates.
University Letterhead
The university letterhead includes the Primary Logotype and the Shield and is used by all central administrative units. It is two-color, 8.5” x 11 inches and the left and right margins have been established as a university-wide standard at 1.125 inches and 0.75 inch respectively.

Academic Unit Letterhead
Each academic unit has letterhead with their formal logotype in the top left (as shown by USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism). It is two-color, 8.5” x 11 inches and the left and right margins have been established as a university-wide standard at 1.125 inches and 0.75 inch respectively.

Two-color University and Academic Unit letterheads. Actual size of each letterhead is 8.5 x 11 inches.
The university envelope includes the Primary Logotype and the Shield, is two-color and is the size of a #10 envelope, 9.5 x 4.125 inches.

Two-color university #10 envelope. Actual size of #10 envelope is 9.5 x 4.125 inches. Primary logotype and return address aligned on front in upper left corner. Shield centered on back flap and positioned 0.25 inch above bottom of square flap.
Business Card
The university business card is available in two versions: one in two-color with the Primary Logotype and the Shield; the other in one-color with the Shield and gold foil. Both are 3.5 x 2 inches.
Option 1
Primary Logotype + Shield

Left margin aligns with USC in logotype; top and bottom margins are 0.2 inches.
Option 2
Shield printed in Gold foil

Rag right type alignment.